by Kayla | Mar 15, 2019 | Free Patterns, Home Decor Projects, Kits, Posts by Kayla, Sewing with Cuddle/ Minky Fabric Projects, Stuffed Animals
This post was supposed to hit the blog a few weeks ago so you’d have enough time to make a St. Patrick’s cat gnome before the 17th but we at McKay Manor Musers put the “pro” in “procrastinate.” Well, that and we greatly overestimated what we would be able to get done...
by Kayla | Feb 12, 2019 | Home Decor Projects, Photo Art, Posts by Kayla, Printables, Sewing with Cuddle/ Minky Fabric Projects
It’s Valentine’s week! We typically keep Valentine’s Day pretty low-key at the Conrad house. Kevin is usually working, and this year is no exception. I’ve never decorated for Valentine’s Day before and this year I decided that was going to change. By that, I mean I...
by Sheila | Dec 6, 2018 | Home Decor Projects, Photo Art, Posts by Sheila, Printables, Updates
I just got to spend a fabulous week out at Kira’s house for the Thanksgiving Holiday – so once again I am reminded of how incredibly blessed we are and how many reasons we have to be thankful. When Kira and Kayla were growing up, each Thanksgiving we got...
by Kira | Nov 9, 2018 | Home Decor Projects, Posts by Kira, Sewing with Cotton Fabric Projects
Kayla and Sheila had attended Pinners Conference 2 years ago, but this was our first time all going together, and our first time teaching a class! We didn’t even know they did sewing classes at Pinners but a friend told us about it and recommend us, and we got...
by Sheila | Dec 19, 2017 | Applique, Free Patterns, Home Decor Projects, Posts by Sheila, Sewing with Cotton Fabric Projects, Sewing with Cuddle/ Minky Fabric Projects, Stuffed Animals
When I was little we had the hardest time making ourselves go to sleep on Christmas Eve because we were so excited for Santa to come. I think we probably woke up around 3 in the morning to go down and gaze in awe at the Christmas tree, and the presents, and the...