
All of our popular build-a-block patterns like polar opposites and barnyard bash in the picture above – and fabulous felines below …use the sew and flip method. The quilts consist of twelve blocks that are 15″ x 15″. You start with a piece of batting the same size, then use the sew and flip method to attach the printed fabrics and the sashing to the batting. Then you add the raw edge appliques to each block – then attach all the blocks together with sashing.

Even though we use sashing on the blocks – it DOESN’T add any width or height to the block. That works because our sashing is 2″ wide and we use 1/2″ seams instead of the 1/4″ seams that you might typically use in your quilting.

We used the same Quilt as you Go method to create the Christmas placemat. But in this case, we also used the ‘quilt as you go’ method because we attached the back of the placemat at the same time we added all the pieces to the front. We just posted a new tutorial out on our YouTube channel It walks you though all the steps to create the placemat. Click here to go directly to the tutorial. You will find the free downloadable pattern here.

We also often get asked what binding method we use for our projects.

I learned this really cool trick using a really high tech tool – a sticy note – to create the perfect mitered corners. I wish I could give credit to the teacher that taught e this technique at a class I took at the Houston Quilt Festival…. but alas … I have the memory of a gnat and can’t remember. She taught us to fold a square sticky note in havlf and place it along the bottom of the project – then stitch right up to the sticky note and pivot and follow the 45 degree angle off to the corner.

You will find a new tutorial for the quick and easy cotton binding out on our YouTube channel as well. Here’s the link. If you subscribe to our channel – you’ll get notified each time we add a new tutorial. If you would like a printed version of the pattern just click here.

Happy Sewing!



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