Kira saw a really cute sleeping bag that looked like a Mermaid and wanted to know if I could make one for each of her three girls for Christmas so I headed to her craft room and pulled out some cuddle fabric. I found three coordinating designs and started to work.
I knew I need the bags to be long enough for them to crawl in and big enough around for them to fit comfortably. I wanted the space between the tail and the body to allow their feet to fit through – and want their feet to fit into the tails – so with that I started cutting away. That part drives my daughters crazy – I typically learn a lot via the trial and error method on the first one and they get better as I go along. I made the outside first with the two coordinating fabrics and then cut the fabric for the inside about 5 to six inches longer (taller?) so when I slipped it inside, it could wrap to the front and I just stitched through all the layers – you have to LOVE Shannon Cuddle fabrics – they never fray and the thread gets buried in the soft fabric … so easy.

Mermaid goes for a stroll on land
2019 02 03 Mermaid Tails Coco Rozzie Gabbie-1 Apparently girls really do just want to have fun!
Speaking of Mermaids – Kayla created a fun pattern called Mermaid Marina with 12 cute appliques …It also comes as an applique pack so you can add them to the project of your choice.
My new print and ponder is a quote comes from Albert Einstein – Creativity is Intelligence having Fun …
I chose a picture I took of the Larch trees in the Enchantments in the Fall. They are located in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area of the Cascade Mountains in Washington state. You have to apply for permits and enter a loterry to be able to hike in and stay overnight – but it was so worth it. As you probably know – Evergreen trees stay green all year, except the Larch tree who dares to be different. The Larch tree looks like an evergreen in the spring and summer, but in the fall the needles turn a golden brown color and fall to the ground. If you time it just right the larch trees change color and we hit the gold mine.
Would love to see pictures of things you’ve created that were inspired by our patterns – you can send them to sheila@mckaymanormusers.
Happy Sewing
Speaking of Mermaids – Kayla created a fun pattern called Mermaid Marina with 12 cute appliques …It also comes as an applique pack so you can add them to the project of your choice.