
Baby Burrito Blanket and Bib Bandana

by | Oct 14, 2020 | Baby Blankets, Free Patterns, Posts by Sheila, Sewing with Cotton Fabric Projects

Well … try saying that four times really fast! Baby Burrito Blanket and Bib Bandana

I was getting ready to move from my house where I had lived for over 30 years … and I had accumulated quite the stash of fabric.  In particular I had a BIG bin of adorable flannel fabrics.  I wanted to put it to good use before I left so I didn’t have to take it to our new house.

 I remembered that my niece, Christi Tolman had once taught us to make baby burrito blankets.  In a nutshell – You cut a big circle from the flannel – and then cut another circle the exact same size from a coordinating fabric. 

We folded the fabric in half and then in quarters and used this really cool HUGE compass that my husband happened to have – you can use string and a pencil or a ruler to create the quarter circle.

Pin the two circles right sides together and sew around the outside edge – leave a hole to turn it right side out.  Slipstitch the hole  shut.  Use an iron to press the edge flat around the outside of the circle.  Use one of those really fun decorative stitches on your sewing machine that rarely gets used to topstitch around the outside edge.  Then place the baby in the center and roll him/her up like a burrito.

Then I had these ‘odd’ shapes of fabric leftover from where I cut out the circles – and I thought – this could make a really cute bandana.  My daughter Kayla has her little boy wear these really cute ‘bandana bibs’ pretty much all the time because he is a regular little drool machine!

Just cut out two ‘bandanas’ exactly the same size – pin them right sides together – and sew around the outside edge – leave a little hole to turn it right side out – and slip stitch the hole shut.  Use an iron to press the edge flat around the outside of the bandana – and again – use a decorative stitch to topstitch around the outside edge. 

Then you can add buttons or snaps to the ends to hold the bandana in place – temporarily – as babies tend to move them around a bit.  If you add two or more of them – the bib can be adjustable as the baby grows.  Kayla found these really cool snaps out on amazon. They are called Lynda Snaps and the one we bought came with 360 sets … wow … that’s a lot – and the pliers to put them together.

We put together a real ‘pattern’ that you can reference to make the blanket and the bib.  You can download the free pattern via this link or by clicking on the button below – my daughter is trying to teach me how to embed the buttons – we’ll see if I can remember it for next time.

If you haven’t downloaded a free pattern from our website before – you need to add the pattern to your cart and then ‘checkout’ – there is no charge for the pattern – but we need your email address to send you the link to the pattern.

I decided that in order to use up ‘all’ of my flannels before we moved – I enlisted ladies at our church to make bunches of blankets and matching bibs that we ended up donating to our local hospital for the newborn babies.  It was a lot of fun … and definitely gave us warm fuzzies … and hope it will do the same for the twenty babies that got new blankets.

Happy Sewing!



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