
Autumn Decor and Free Quilted Coaster Pattern

by | Nov 18, 2021 | Crafts, Free Patterns, Home Decor Projects, Sewing with Cotton Fabric Projects

I got to plan a road trip through Tennessee with my two sisters – and when we were in Dollywood I picked up a new shirt with the words – ‘but I think I love fall most of all.’ It is definitely one of my favorite times of year!

The weather is just wonderful and mother nature paints the landscape around us.  I took this picture at sunrise when I was in Eastern Washington last month.

I love making new decorations for my home – so I visited the local Dollar Tree to pick up some crafting supplies.

We painted pumpkins from the Dollar store and covered them with pretty papers on the ‘raised’ shapes and then sealed it with Mod Podge. It’s a clear water-based sealer that goes on smooth and clear, and it is easy to clean up.  We also got the cute little metal Thankful sign at the Dollar Store.

I make a new wreath with a wireframe from Walmart – and pretty silk leaves from the dollar store.

Shows the fall wreath using a metal wire frame and covered with silk autumn leaves


We tried ‘Mandala’ pumpkins – an idea from one of the young ladies in our church.  Such a fun way to paint pumpkins!  Who knew what you could do with a marker on a pumpkin? We got the idea from Pinterest – such a great place for ideas!  These are pretty enough to leave out until they go soft – I was thinking next time I would use a gourd and it would last even longer.

And … I tried to make a ‘3D’ pumpkin with the cool mesh from the Dollar Store and it turned out looking like a pumpkin wearing a tutu. I am going to call this one a ‘Big Fail’.  It might have made a better costume.  If you have seen better ways to use that mesh on wireframes – please respond to this email with your ideas!

My favorite little unit wearing a pumpkin was my grandson – he’s the best!  We were on a visit to the Cross E Ranch in SLC, UT

When I was at my sisters’ house I took the opportunity to make a new table runner – it had been sitting in my unfinished projects pile for YEARS.  I pulled out my mom’s Singer Featherweight sewing machine and went to work.

I love using that machine – it makes me feel close to my mom – who I miss so much!  The pattern is from the Book A Table Runner for Every Month by Jeri Kelly.   It was really fun to put together.  Hopefully, you will see more of them show up over the next year – She has cute ones for every month and I want to make all of them.

When I was teaching sewing classes at the Pinners Conference in Indianapolis, I stopped to make one of these fun little knit pumpkins.  Loved the chunky yarn that you could just knit with your fingers.  I thought it the perfect addition to a table ‘square’ (rather than runner?) that I made when I was at the Houston Quilt Festival with my sisters many moons ago.   The cute pumpkin with the raffia and the small pumpkins with flowers came from Dollar Tree too.

I put together a new pattern for a Quilted Coaster and taught sewing classes at the Pinners Conference in SLC, UT the first weekend of November and again at the Pinners Conference in Scottsdale, AZ.  If you haven’t been to one of their conferences before  – I highly recommend them – click here for their list of events this year.

The quilted coaster is easy to make and just large enough for your cup of coffee or mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream.  Here is a picture of a ‘matching pair’.

It just takes two coordinating fat quarters of fabric. Here are the pieces of fabric you will need to cut for each one.  Plus you will need a 6″ x 6″ square of Warm and Natural batting for each one.


You can download the directions for the new quilted coaster for free from our website.  Just click here or on the picture below.  If you haven’t downloaded a pattern before – just a note – you need to create an account and put it in your cart – then check out – no charge – we just need to know where to send the download link.

When I was in Utah for the Pinners class I also got an opportunity to go to the Holdman Studios and Glass Art Institute with my daughter Kayla.  We got to fire a couple glass pumpkins – such a great experience!

As we head into Thanksgiving weekend – just wanted to share a wooden sign I saw in Tennessee.

We were together .. I forget the rest

May you enjoy the time with your friends and family!



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