
Happy 4th of July!

by | Jul 4, 2021 | Home Decor Projects, Posts by Sheila

Happy 4th of July!

A new holiday has arrived – so it was time to make a new wreath – nothing like waiting till the last minute – but luckily my cat was here to help.

I stopped by Hobby Lobby a couple days before the 4th and picked a long ‘string’ of beautiful red flowers which I thought I could just turn into a circle and wire it together.  I picked out white flowers that looked like they were made from wood … and some dark blue flowers.    I brought them home and placed them on the floor – one of my favorite work surfaces.  The flowers had not been on the floor for more than a couple minutes when my cat Smittens strutted over to ‘help me’.  Do you have a pet that likes to help in your creative process?  Soooooooo …. Helpful!

This was one of the easiest wreaths I have ever made – I just wired the white and blue flowers to the red flower ‘frame’.  Then drilled a couple holes in the wooden board – and tied it to the wreath with twine.   The message on the wooden board I picked  … Land that I Love – couldn’t be more true for me!

While I was busy working in the house – my spouse was out front adding a deck to the bottom of our steep front steps.  I learned something during this process.  I have ‘only’ been married for over 43 years – and I just figured this out – he and I have the same creative work style.  Pat had a ‘general’ plan about how he wanted to add two platforms to the bottom of the stairs – however, once he started the project – the plans changed … and then they changed again.

But the finished project was amazing.

When I am creating a new pattern – I come up with an idea and start cutting out fabric.  I start sewing and see if I like what I see … and if not … I change it a bit and keep going until I have something I like … then I create the pattern based on what I actually ended up making.  That process drives my two daughters crazy … they create the pattern with exactness FIRST and create it in Adobe InDesign.  Then they print out the patterns … and often have me sew it together as their ‘tester’.  So … which creative process do you use?  Jump in – starting cutting the fabric and design as you go?  Or Design the product, then cut according to the pattern?

I am so grateful that I was lucky enough to be born in the USA – the land of the free … because of the brave.

And I love the patriotic songs – especially the words to America the Beautiful!

Oh, beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties .. Above the fruited plain!  America!  America! God shed his grace on thee,  And crown thy good with brotherhood. From sea to shining sea.

Oh, beautiful for pilgrim feet, Whose stern, impassioned stress. A thoroughfare of freedom beat… across the wilderness!  America!  America!  God mend thine every flaw,  Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.

Oh, beautiful for heroes proved. In liberating strife,  Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life!  America!  America!  May God thy gold refine,  Till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine.

Oh, beautiful for patriot dream.  That sees beyond the years. Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears!  America!  America! God shed his grace on thee,   And crown they good with brotherhood… from sea to shining sea.

One of my girlfriends sent me this link today … so I’d like to share it with you!

It’s a You Tube Video featuring Lee Greenwood and the United States Air Force Band!


Happy 4th of July!!




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